H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al-Jarwan

H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al-Jarwan

H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al-Jarwan

Mr. Al Jarwan is an outstanding professional, influencer, and world changer; he has been recognized by the presidents of many countries. Throughout many years, he has been among the most visible proponents of promoting tolerance and peace in the Arab region and in the world, as president of the Arab Parliament for two consecutive rounds, and as the current president of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace.
He co-founded the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP). Through its mission and vision, Mr. Al Jarwan is raising the value of tolerance and spreading the culture of peace, fighting discrimination, racism, and religious, ethnic and sectarian extremism, and developing the norms of the International Law, which strengthens the principles of tolerance to achieving peace.
In 2018 he also launched the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP) .